A downloadable TTRPG

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Is a rogue tyrannosaurus inciting panic in a local settlement? 

Have velociraptors wandered into a neighborhood causing a safety hazard? 

Did an earthquake spook a herd of triceratops which are stampeding towards a local settlement?

Ride into the Parazoic

Diesel and Dinosaurs is a powered by charge RPG combining dinosaurs and post apocalypse settings and inspired by the cartoon Cadillacs and Dinosaurs and the comic Xenozoic Tales.

Humanity has spent the last 600+ years in bunkers while the planet recovers from a massive climate crisis. Those bunkers began to breakdown beyond the mechanist's abilities to keep them running and eventually humanity began to return to the surface. They found a world once again reclaimed by dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals, and began working to settle this untamed land.

The Charge RPG system is a streamlined approach to Forged in the Dark, simplifying a lot of aspects in a way that I find more approachable, whether you are familiar with forged in the dark or not, you should be able to easily step into this game and get comfortable in this system!

Not Set in Stone

Diesel and Dinosaurs is a fully released and ready to play game with over 100 pages of content. The current release edition has some placeholder art or is lacking art in spaces, that art will be added as i gain time to work on it.

I also would love feedback that i can help clarify in the game. Is there something you feel is missing? some guidance you feel would be helpful? is there something you want to see an example of or something you want to know how to accomplish?

I'd love to update the game to make it clearer for everyone involved!

Cost break down

The following indicates the amount I'll need to make to recoup costs of the labor of myself and my partner at moderate pay rates

  • Writing @ 13,599 words at 0.15/word: $2,040
  • Editing/Proofing @ 13,599 at 0.10/word: $1.360
  • Layout @ 109 pages at $10/page: $1,090
  • Current finalized or WIP Art: $600

Total: $5,090

Community Copies are available!

  • Launch with 25 Community Copies.
  • Every Sale is +1 Community Copy.
  • Every Rating is +1 Community Copy.
    • If you plan to leave a less than 4-star rating, please leave a review on what you think could improve it.
    • Please do not leave a bad rating if you don't like fitd style games or the charge system, post apocalyptic settings, dinosaurs, or any other working as intended features, just because they are not to your preference.

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(10 total ratings)
TagsForged in the Dark


Buy Now$15.00 USD or more

In order to download this TTRPG you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $15 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Diesel and Dinosaurs Finale v1.1.pdf 8.6 MB

Community Copies + Extra options

Support this TTRPG at or above a special price point to receive something exclusive.

Pay It Forward

If you would like to add a community copy or previously claimed a community copy and for any reason you decide you'd like to pay for it (which please know that this isn't something you have to do, community copies are there for you to claim and keep), use this option and I'll drop an extra community copy into the pile to replace the one you claimed and help someone else check out the game!

Buy me some art!

This pays for a piece of simple art to be added to the book! it helps me get the book polished up at a quicker schedule and whats more you get to choose the art! 

60$ Dinosaur

Tell me what dinosaur, what colors, etc... remember that i love bright and vibrant dinosaurs so go nuts with it!

$60 Person

Tell me about this post apocalyptic dweller, remember that this isn't fallout, people will more or less be dressed like people with a bit of a rough style, maybe a little pulp-retro in style.

$60 Half and Half

Dinosaur + person, this will be zoomed in and catch only parts of both figures or maybe a little less detailed. but you can give me the deets!

Buy me a landscape art!

$200 landscape + Dinosaur

This pays for a landscape scene complete with a dinosaur of your choice for me, choose the biome and dinosaur, give me the details you wanna see!

Free Copy

If you're unable to budget for a copy of Diesel and Dinosaurs priced as listed, please claim one of these free copies provided for the community.

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